Posts tagged Trauma Healing
Why We as Americans Should Remember Hurricane Katrina
New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina, Trauma, Wholeness, Mental Health, Healing, DignityJoy Longtrauma, Trauma Healing, history, remembering, hurricane katrina, healing, mental health, new orleans
How Somatic Therapy Facilitates Healing
Joy & Pain: Whole with Joy
Healing, Love, LIberation, WholenessJoy LongWhole with Joy, joy, pain, healing, Trauma Healing, grief, gratitude
Let’s Talk About Sex: Scorpio SZN
Healing, Anti-oppression, Intergenerational Trauma, LIberation, Love, Somatics, Wholeness, Trauma, Sex, SexualityJoy LongSomatics, wholeness, Scorpio, Healing, Sexuality, Embodied Healing, Trauma Healing, Shame Resilience